Here are some of my favorite questions to jump-start your discussion about EXTANT.

(Fun Fact: I also love to talk about books! I’d be delighted to join your book club or school group for a round table. You can contact me here to set up a date.)

  • If you had the ability to tack, where would you go and why?

  • What was your favorite quote or passage?

  • If you could experience this story from another character’s point of view, who would you choose and why?

  • The author of this story works with animals as a licensed veterinary technician. How does her profession show through in Extant?

  • What do you think the poem presented at the beginning of the story is trying to convey? Why do you think Uncle Christopher would name his boat in relation to the poem?

  • Are there moments in the story where the setting plays an important role in the plot? If so, when?

  • What do the events and clues in the final part of the story lead you to think the rest of the series will cover?

  • There is some debate throughout the story whether Uncle Christopher should be classified as good or bad. What do you think? Did your opinion change throughout the novel?

  • What do you think of the title Extant? How do you think it relates to the plot or the characters?

Sarah Newland